What next?

Many people visit Most Blessed Sacrament Friary and help the friars in a variety of ways.  For those who visit regularly and wish to deepen their relationship with the CFR community and the Lay Associates, there is an opportunity at the beginning of each new year for lay men and women to make a one year commitment to the lay associates program.

What is the commitment of an Associate?

The commitment is a manifestation of the prompting of the Lord to live the spirituality of Saint Francis in the world as a lay person.

The commitment consists of:

Prayer - Each day a lay associate is to spend some time in prayer, preferably using the Liturgy of the Hours. Other suggestions are daily Mass, Adoration, the Rosary, and the Divine Mercy Chaplet.

Attendance at monthly Associate Days.

Availability to assist the friars in their work of evangelization and care of the poor in their neighborhood.

© Friends of the Newark Monastery, Inc.  2020